Join the Jury for
“I Said – You Said”

“I Said – You Said” is an innovative and interactive fulfillment of your Title IX and NCAA sexual misconduct prevention requirements. Compelling brain-heart engagement on consent, adaptable for all communities.

Watch the Case

Hear snippets and learn how “I Said – You Said” can fit your needs.

Debate & Discuss

Two students meet up at a party. The story of their hook-up is clouded by alcohol. Are both to blame? Join the jury, hear the case, and decide for yourself! Where do you draw the line, what do your peers think, and what does your school policy say?

Help Decide the Verdict

After hearing the case, the audience asks questions of the presenters in character, votes on who crossed the line, and learns how the scenario would be handled at their school. “I Said – You Said” challenges rape myths, clarifies consent and empowers pro-active bystander behavior.

Book in 3 Easy Steps

1. Fill out our form.

2. We send you a menu of options to customize your experience.

3. Pick your date. Our team handles everything from presenters to logistics.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Gain clarity on expectations of electronic communications in various stages of relationships, as they relate to sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, stalking and sexual misconduct


  • Elucidate complexities when substance use is involved in physically intimate situations, including alcohol, cannabis, stimulants, opiates, LSD, mushrooms and other substances


  • Acquire skills and knowledge regarding how to assess signs and symptoms of incapacitation vs. intoxication, including when more than one party is under the influence
  • Garner methods to ensure consent is clear, verbal, mutual, obtained in the moment, not priorly given over any electronic medium, specific to each type of contact, and without coercion


  • Learn definitions of rape vs. sexual assault vs. sexual harassment vs. sexual misconduct vs. sexual exploitation


  • Obtain strategies for pro-active bystander intervention in situations that could be or are problematic, potentially harmful, or in violation of school policies

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